Aurora documentation

Configure voice support via Twilio for your users

We're assuming that Twilio integration is already enabled in Aurora setup by the admin of this Aurora installation. If that's not the case, admin must enable it as described here.

1. Go to and register an account, if you don't have one yet.

2. Copy phone number, account sid and auth token from Twilio's dashboard.

3. Open dev tools > twiml apps, click create twiml app, fill friendly name and request url fields and click "save". request url stands for URL of your installation with /?twilio appended to it.

4. Click on the resulted application and copy app sid field.

That's all about Twilio configuration. Now we should configure Aurora.

5. Log into AdminPanel.

6. Navigate to Common > Twilio tab.

7. Enter Phone Number, Account SID, Auth token and Application SID fields.

8. Navigate to Users tab, click on any user, open Twilio tab and enter Twilio number for this user. It will be used for calling the user from landlines and mobiles.