Aurora documentation

Configuring Helpdesk


Aurora comes with Helpdesk module which allows you to provide support to your clients in a convenient way - and of course, your clients will get a comfortable interface for submitting support requests.

In case if Helpdesk is enabled for specific domain, you'll get "Helpdesk" section in Aurora interface upon logging into your account. That way you'll be able to monitor the support queue and answer support requests.

Clients themselves, however, will use a different area. Its address is obtained by adding ?helpdesk to primary Aurora URL. Customers will need to register there for getting support - and this registration is unrelated to Aurora accounts themselves.


Under Common section of AdminPanel, you'll find Helpdesk screen where all the parameters of Helpdesk are configured.

Helpdesk URL

This field is read-only, and it provides URL clients should use to post their support requests.

Email address

This field should contain email address Helpdesk will send notifications from. If the value is empty, emailing functionality will not be used. Note that the email address should be local to the system, i.e. it should be registered in Aurora database.

Helpdesk name

Value supplied here is used on Helpdesk login screen, it's also included in email notifications assuming those are enabled.

Two other fields can contain special URLs pointing to some system external to Aurora. It's assumed that customer's email address is included as query string parameter, and external system returns some HTML page which will be displayed for that particular customer, in client and agent interface respectively.

For example, let's assume Aurora runs at address while is main website of the company. We'd like to display orders summary for specific customer, but while agents will see detailed order history customers themselves will only see a list containing product names. Of course, there might be two separate scripts handling this, but it often makes sense to use the same script for this but use it in different modes.

To achieve this, we need to provide some script (doesn't have to be written in PHP, that's just an example). Aside from mode parameter (0 for brief list, 1 for detailed info), we'll add some secret key used for fetching detailed info. Eventually, URLs would look like:

URL from which to load IFRAME for custom data in client's interface:[EMAIL]

URL from which to load IFRAME for custom data in agent's interface:[EMAIL]

Upon configuring the above, be sure to enable Helpdesk for specific domains. Note that all users of that domain will be able to access support agent interface. Support client interface doesn't rely on those settings, it's always available.

Running Helpdesk-related tasks periodically

There is a number of tasks which should be run automatically in background from time to time, and it's strongly recommended to set those up via crontab or similar tools offered by your operating system.

All the scripts are found under crons/ directory of Aurora installation:


Monitor email account for new mails. The recommended interval is 5 minutes.


Send out notifications about threads which were answered but not closed by the user. Single run sends out only one notification. The recommended interval is 5 minutes.


Archive old threads. It's safe to run this task several times a day, it doesn't create any noticeable load as no mails are sent out.

Supplying custom styles

It's also possible to provide custom CSS styles which overrides default ones.

You need to check "Use custom style" option, and fill in "URL of your logo image:" and "Your style:" fields. Example is found below.

URL of your logo image:

Your style:

body {
	background-color:  #fff;
.login_panel .buttons .button {
	background: #fff;
	color: #5d97cd;
	text-shadow: none;
.login_panel .buttons .button:hover {
	color: #fff;