Aurora documentation

How to disable viewing Microsoft Office documents

Starting from version 7.4.1, Aurora allows for viewing office documents which is done directly in web interface. This is primarily about Microsoft Office document formats supported by other products such as OpenOffice etc.

This feature uses online viewer provided directly by Microsoft website, that's a free service which doesn't require any registration (at the moment of writing this documentation page); you can read more on this at Microsoft Office Blogs page. In terms of WebMail, it allows for viewing supported documents attached to email messages; in WebMail Pro and Aurora, it also works within Files module.

Currently, the list of supported documents includes:

  • doc, docx, docm, dotm, dotx
  • xlsx, xlsb, xls, xlsm
  • pptx, ppsx, ppt, pps, pptm, potm, ppam, potx, ppsm

If you wish to disable this feature, add the following item into array defined in data/settings/config.php file:

'labs.allow-officeapps-viewer' => false

NB: For this feature to work, your Aurora installation needs to be accessible over the Internet - specifically, from Microsoft website. Local installations are not supported.