Aurora documentation

Administration settings disappeared / are not saved. Why?

Linux / Apache

This means Apache process (which executes WebMail) has insufficient permissions to the WebMail PHP data directory (its location is specified in inc_setting_path.php file). If the Apache process is owner of all contents of the data directory, you should assign the following permissions:

755 for the data directory and all subdirectories

644 for all files in the data directory and all subdirectories.

If you have SSH or direct access to your server, you can do this as follows:

Navigate to the WebMail data directory to make it the current directory, and run:

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \

Otherwise, you can manually assign these permissions through FTP (most FTP clients and servers support remote assigning of permissions).

If the Apache process is not owner of all contents of the data directory, the permissions should be:

777 for the data directory and all subdirectories

666 for all the files in the data directory and all subdirectories.

Windows / IIS

This means Internet Guest Account on your server has insufficient permissions to the WebMail data folder (its location is specified in inc_setting_path.php file). Please complete the steps below to grant the appropriate permissions:

using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder which contains the data folder;

in context menu, choose "Properties" of the data folder and "Security" tab;

add Internet Guest Account (usually IUSR_) into the list;

tick "Allow full control" checkbox to grant permissions and press "OK".