MailSuite Pro 7 documentation

Install WebMail Pro v8 next to MailSuite Pro

These guidelines allow you to install v8 of WebMail Pro alongside your existing MailSuite Pro setup, to provide end users an up-to-date webmail experience, and you'll be able to adjust WebMail Pro v8 configuration with its admin interface - while server administration tasks such as creating/deleting users and domains will still be performed using existing adminpanel of MailSuite Pro.


  • It's assumed that you have MailSuite Pro installed
  • The commands are to be performed either directly on server terminal or via SSH console, as root
  • In web access URL, your-server-host denotes IP address or hostname you use to access existing MailSuite Pro installation over the web, e.g.


  1. Download WebMail Pro v8 package, create a directory for it and extract the package into that directory. We assume the directory is called webmail8 but you can use any other name.
cd /root
mkdir /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8
unzip ./ -d /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8
chown afterlogic:afterlogic -R /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8

NB: you might need to install unzip utility first:

yum install unzip
  1. Create a new MySQL database for use with WebMail Pro 8:
/opt/afterlogic/bin/mysql -P 3309 -h -u root -p
Enter password: mailbundle
  1. Log into WebMail Pro v8 admin interface using URL http://your-server-host/webmail8/ Default credentials are: superadmin for login, and an empty password.

NB: Once logged in, we recommend setting admin password under "Admin Account" tab.

  1. In "Licensing" screen, supply your v8 license key, it should start with AU80. If you don't have a license key, you can get a trial one at:

Or, if your license maintenance allows, request a license key update at:

  1. In "Database Settings" screen, supply database connection details.
SQL login:      root
SQL password:   mailbundle
Database name:  webmail8

Then press "Save", "Test connection", and assuming test was successful, press "Create/Update tables" and "Update configuration" buttons.

  1. In "Mail Servers" screen, click "Add New Server" to create a default mailserver entry.
Display Name:   localhost
Domains:        (leave the field empty)
IMAP Server:, port 143
SMTP Server:, port 25

You can leave all the other settings on that screen unchanged, and press "Create".

  1. Installation and basic configuration is completed, you can now log out and login as one of existing email users.

NB: unlike previous v7, v8 has the same login page for administrators and email account users.

Password change feature

These guidelines allow you to install change password module for WebMail Pro v8 for the use with your MailSuite Pro setup.

  1. Download and extract the module.
cd /root
unzip ./ -d /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8/modules
  1. Log into WebMail Pro v8 admin interface using URL http://your-server-host/webmail8/

  2. In "Database Settings" screen, press "Update configuration" button.

  3. Edit /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8/data/settings/modules/ChangePasswordInMailServerDatabasePlugin.config.json file:
    "Disabled": [
    "SupportedServers": [
    "DbUser": [
    "DbPass": [
    "DbName": [
    "DbHost": [

Also, edit /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8/data/settings/modules/ChangePasswordWebclient.config.json file and set Disabled to false there.

Once that's done, your users should be able to use "Change Password" tool under Email Accounts tab of Settings screen.

Data migration

While the new install of WebMail Pro v8 allows your users to access their existing email accounts, they will not have any other data they had in their MailSuite Pro accounts - namely calendars, contacts, files, account settings. If you wish to transfer those data, migration needs to be done.

IMPORTANT: migration needs to be done on a blank database, with tables created per #5 of the Installation section - while step 6 must NOT be done, please make sure no mailservers or users are created before completing the migration.

Locate the migration script at /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8/dev/migrate_console.php, edit it and set the path value there:

$sP7ProductPath = "/opt/afterlogic/html";

Then replace the following line in the script:

const PHP_EXEC = "php";


const PHP_EXEC = "/opt/afterlogic/bin/x86_64-php";

And proceed with data migration:

cd /opt/afterlogic/html/webmail8/dev
/opt/afterlogic/bin/x86_64-php ./migrate_console.php

Please note that, depending on number of user accounts and amount of data they have, migration may take up to several days. To prevent data loss, you may need to disable v7 installation so users no longer have access to it, they'll be able to switch to v8 once the migration is completed.

You can read more on migration at:
Migration from v7 - console tool
Migration from v7

Disabling v7 frontend

Once you have WebMail Pro v8 up and running (with or without doing the migration), you might wish to disable v7 setup, ideally so that users are redirected to v8 installation.

To do so, edit /opt/afterlogic/html/data/settings/config.php file, and add the following entry to array of comma-separated values:

'labs.webmail.custom-login-url' => 'http://your-server-host/webmail8/'