MailSuite Pro 7 documentation


The methods listed below cover getting list of files and folders, creating new folders, renaming and deleting items. Uploading new files, however, is described in a separate section.


Retrieving list of files in specific folder.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of account
Action string "Files"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
Path string "" If empty, root list is returned. To obtain list of files in folder, specify FullPath property value this request returns.
Pattern string "" optional
Type string "personal" or "corporate"
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

Sample response:

        "FullPath":"\/111", // path used for requesting subfolder contents
        "IsFolder":true, // true for folder, false for file

Hash is used in links for downloading file, and for viewing it if specific file type is supported. If Hash is empty, it's a folder.

Download link format: '?/Raw/FilesDownload/' + AccountID + '/' + Hash

File view link format: '?/Raw/FilesView/' + AccountID + '/' + Hash

In case if you're not using web browser and cookies are unavailable, a different approach needs to be used for getting view/download links. It involves AuthToken value returned by SystemLogin call.

Download link format: '?/Raw/FilesDownload/' + AccountID + '/' + Hash + '/0/hash/' + AuthToken

File view link format: '?/Raw/FilesView/' + AccountID + '/' + Hash + '/0/hash/' + AuthToken


Retrieving path and other information on the file in specific folder.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of account
Action string "FileInfo"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
Path string "" Directory path the file was uploaded to.
Name string "" Name of file
Type string "personal" or "corporate"
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

Sample response:

  "Result": {
    "@Object": "Object/CFileStorageItem",
    "Id": "",
    "Type": "personal",
    "Path": "/",
    "FullPath": "",
    "Name": "9ynuq3LLFa4.jpg",
    "Size": 0,
    "IsFolder": false,
    "IsLink": false,
    "LinkType": 0,
    "LinkUrl": "",
    "LastModified": 0,
    "ContentType": "",
    "Iframed": false,
    "Thumb": false,
    "ThumbnailLink": "",
    "OembedHtml": "",
    "Hash": "",
    "Shared": false,
    "Owner": "",
    "Content": "",
    "IsExternal": false

Download and view links are generated the same way it's done upon obtaining files list with Files method.


Creating a new folder.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of account
Action string "FilesFolderCreate"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
FolderName string "new folder" Name of the folder to be created.
Path string "" If empty, folder is created in root. To create a subfolder, provide parent folder name by specifying FullPath property value Files request returns.
Type string "personal" or "corporate"
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

Sample response:



Renaming file or folder.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of account
Action string "FilesRename"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
IsLink int 0 optional
Name string "file1.png" Current name of file or folder.
NewName string "file2.png" New name of file or folder.
Path string "" If empty, file or folder is renamed in root. Otherwise, it denotes FullPath property value Files request returns.
Type string "personal" or "corporate"
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

Sample response:



Removing file or folder.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of account
Action string "FilesDelete"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
Items string [{"Path":"/my folder","Name":"file1.png"},{"Path":"/my folder/folder1","Name":"file2.png"},{"Path":"/my folder","Name":"folder2"}] List of files and folders to delete.
The list contains objects with Path and Name fields.
Path string "" If empty, files and folders are removed under root. Otherwise, it denotes FullPath property value Files request returns.
Type string "personal" or "corporate"
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

Sample response:
