Aurora Files documentation

Integration via Single Sign-On

While the product supports logging in programmatically, existing method isn't 100% perfect. It requires having main system and webmail application installed within the same domain, and it might present security issues if you transfer login credentials via POST or GET.

So, a different method known as Single Sign-On was implemented to allow for eliminating these issues. It's invoked in a very simple and straightforward way:

include_once '/var/www/html/files/system/autoload.php';
header('Location:'.\Aurora\System\Api::GenerateSsoToken($sEmail, $sPassword, $sLogin));

NB: While GenerateSsoToken method technically accepts 3 arguments (email, password and optionally login), login always matches email address. The case where login is different from email is not supported.

In version 8.5.2, we've added a way to force specific interface language when user logs in. It's done by supplying GET-parameter lang as follows:

header('Location:'.\Aurora\System\Api::GenerateSsoToken($sEmail, $sPassword, $sLogin).'&lang='.$sLanguage);