Aurora Files documentation

Configuring OnlyOffice Docs for viewing documents

Aurora Files now supports integration with OnlyOffice Docs to enable editing office documents. But it's possible to configure the integration so that OnlyOffice Docs is used just for viewing documents, not editing.

Let's assume you have enabled integration with OnlyOffice docs, and have default viewer replaced with OnlyOffice one, so that:

  • Disabled is set to true in data/settings/modules/OfficeDocumentViewer.config.json file;
  • Disabled is set to false in data/settings/modules/OfficeDocumentEditor.config.json file.

To accomplish this task, one more thing you need to do is edit data/settings/modules/OfficeDocumentEditor.config.json and move all the entries from "ExtensionsToConvert" and "ExtensionsToEdit" to "ExtensionsToView".
Note that only first the part to the left of ":" character need to be moved out of "ExtensionsToConvert" list.

  • Before:
"ExtensionsToView": [
    "List of file types which can only be viewed by OnlyOffice"
"ExtensionsToConvert": [
        "doc": "docx",
        "xls": "xlsx",
        "pps": "pptx",
        "ppt": "pptx",
        "odt": "docx",
        "odp": "pptx",
        "ods": "xlsx",
        "xlt": "xlsx",
        "fods": "xlsx",
        "ots": "xlsx",
        "ott": "docx",
        "fodt": "docx",
        "dot": "docx",
        "otp": "pptx",
        "fodp": "pptx",
        "pot": "pptx",
        "docm": "docx",
        "dotx": "docx",
        "dotm": "docx",
        "xltx": "xlsx",
        "xltm": "xlsx",
        "xlsm": "xlsx",
        "potx": "pptx",
        "potm": "pptx",
        "pptm": "pptx",
        "ppsx": "pptx",
        "ppsm": "pptx"
    "List of file types which can only be edited by OnlyOffice into a different format, and target format specified for each entry"
"ExtensionsToEdit": [
    "List of file types which can be edited by OnlyOffice"
  • After:
"ExtensionsToView": [
    "List of file types which can only be viewed by OnlyOffice"
"ExtensionsToConvert": [
    "List of file types which can only be edited by OnlyOffice into a different format, and target format specified for each entry"
"ExtensionsToEdit": [
    "List of file types which can be edited by OnlyOffice"