Aurora Files documentation

Importing contacts

Aurora Files lets users import contacts from comma-separated CSV files as well as from standard contact lists in vCard format (VCF files).

VCF format is preferred as it's standardized (while CSV is not). In case if you cannot use VCF, you'll need to make sure the CSV you'll use for data exchange has the columns with certain names and values.

CSV file (comma-separated values) is technically a plaintext file with one database record per line. The first line of the file usually contains table headers. Aurora Files supports the following headers and columns of the following kind (headers are case-insensitive, unrecognized headers are ignored):

Aurora Files contacts field Supported CSV file headers
First Name FirstName
First Name
Last Name LastName
Last Name
Full Name FullName
Full Name
Email Display Name
Display Name
Nick Name NickName
Nick Name
Title Title
Business Company Company
Business Department Department
Business Job Title Job Title
Business Email Business Email
Business E-mail
Business Web Site Business Web
Business Web Page
Business Website
Business Office Location Office Location
Business Street Business Street
Business City Business City
Business State Business State
Business Zip Code Business Postal Code
Business Country Business Country
Business Fax Business Fax
Business Phone Business Phone
Home Street Home Street
Home Address
Home City Home City
Home State Home State
Home Zip Code Home Postal Code
Home Country Home Country
Home Fax Home Fax
Home Phone Home Phone
Home Mobile Mobile Phone
Home Email Email
E-mail Address
Email Address
Home Web Site Web Page
Personal Website
Notes Notes
Other Email Other Email
Other E-mail
Birthday Birthday
Date of birth

Aurora Files uses full name only, and if it is not available in CSV content, it is composed from First Name and Last Name.

In Aurora Files database, birthday is actually split into 3 fields for day, month and year. Various separators are recognized, any of the following formats should work: DD.MM.YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. Notations which start from year (e.g. YYYY.MM.DD) are handled properly as well.

As you can see, only English versions of Outlook are currently supported. If you use the product in other language, we suggest to modify CSV file manually and amend the headers using patterns from the above table.

You can download sample CSV file, it contains 2 entries, one of those has basic information supplied while the other entry has most of the fields filled.