Sending self-destructing email
WebMail Lite allows for sending mail in self-destructing mode. If sender chooses such a delivery method, recipient will get a short message with a link to an actual message. Only plaintext messages are supported, formatting will be removed, attachments cannot be encrypted or signed.
To enable this feature, edit data/settings/modules/OpenPgpFilesWebclient.config.json
configuration file and set "Disabled" to false there, while "EnableSelfDestructingMessages" should be set to true.
To send mail in self-destructing mode, supply a recipient address and select the option from "Send" dropdown:

Upon selecting that option, you'll get a following dialog:

You can select message lifetime (24 hrs, 72 hrs, 7 days) and encryption type. Key-based encryption is only available if you have OpenPGP public key for the recipient; see this documentation page for more info on using OpenPGP. Also, in this mode digital signature can be added, if you have your OpenPGP private key set.
Recipient will get a short message containing link to an encrypted message and, in case of password-based encryption, password for accessing the message:

To view the message, recipient will need to follow the link and then enter their OpenPGP private key password or, in case of password-based encryption, the password found in short message itself.
Once message lifetime passes, the message will no longer be available.