Modules settings reference
Various features and functionality aspects of WebMail Lite are provided by different modules. Each module has its configuration file under data/settings/modules/
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- SuperadminWhitelistIp
- If non-empty, only listed IPs are allowed access from
- AllowLoginFromCoreModule
- If set to true, superadmin account is allowed to log into main login page
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- EntitiesPerPage
- Number of items (users, domains etc.) shown per page in admin interface
- TabsOrder
- Defines list of adminpanel interface sections and the order of displaying those
- EntitiesOrder
- Defines list of top menu entries and the order of displaying those
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ShowSingleMailChangePasswordInCommonSettings
- If set to true, Change Password button is displayed in Common settings rather than under Email Accounts section
- ShowSingleMailChangePasswordInSecuritySettings
- If set to true, Change Password button is displayed in Security settings, SecuritySettingsWebclient module
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ContactsPerPage
- Number of contacts displayer ped page
- ImportContactsLink
- URL of documentation page that explains structure of CSV files used
- AllowAddressBooksManagement
- Setting to true enables managing multiple address books
- AllowEditTeamContactsByTenantAdmins
- Setting to true allows tenant admin to edit Team address book entries
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AvailableFor
- Automatically provide this feature if one of the listed modules is requested by the entry point
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AllowCapa
- If set to true, product features can be enabled/disabled on user or tenant level
- AllowPostLogin
- If set to true, credentials can be submitted via POST request
- CsrfTokenProtection
- If set to true, CSRF protection is enabled
- CronTimeToRunSeconds
- Defines intervals in seconds to run a routine of deleting temporary files
- CronTimeToKillSeconds
- Defines minimal age in seconds of temporary files to be deleted
- CronTimeFile
- Defines filename for storing last timestamp when routine of deleting temporary files was run
- UserSelectsDateFormat
- If set to true, users can select date format
- DateFormat
- Defines default date format used
- DateFormatList
- Defines default date format used
- GetAccountWithPassword
- LanguageListComment
- LanguageList
- Empty array means that every language from every module will be available. ["English", "German"] means that only English and German languages will be used in the system.
- Language
- Default interface language used
- AutodetectLanguage
- Setting to true enables language autodetection
- PostLoginErrorRedirectUrl
- If login credentials were supplied with POST method, this setting defines redirect URL used when authentication error occurs
- TimeFormat
- Denotes time format used by default
- SiteName
- Text used in browser title as a website name
- ProductName
- Product name, displayed in About tab of adminpanel
- AuthTokenCookieExpireTime
- Expiration time for authentication cookie, in days
- EnableFailedLoginBlock
- Setting to true enables feature of blocking user after a number of failed login attempts
- LoginBlockAvailableTriesCount
- Number of failed login attempts which will result in blocking user
- LoginBlockDurationMinutes
- Number of minutes user will be blocked for upon multiple failed login attempts
- AllowGroups
- Setting to true enables user groups which can be managed in adminpanel
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AllowChangeSettings
- If true, users are allowed to select theme, language etc. in common settings screen
- AllowClientDebug
- Enables clientside debug logs, viewed by entering window.auroraLogs in browser console
- AllowDesktopNotifications
- Enables desktop notifications, the value is applied to new user accounts
- AllowIosProfile
- Enables retrieving account profile download when logging into web interface from iOS device
- AllowMobile
- Enables mobile version of web interface and automatically switches to it on Android or iOS smartphone
- AllowPrefetch
- Enables downloading message bodies in background, to display messages instantly upon selecting those
- AttachmentSizeLimit
- Attachment file size limit for upload, in bytes
- AutoRefreshIntervalMinutes
- Default value for auto refresh interval in minutes
- ContentSecurityPolicy
- Specifies CSP header used for protection from cross-site scripting, clickjacking, code injection attacks
- CustomLogoutUrl
- Specifies URL user will be redirected to upon logging out of their account
- DefaultAnonymScreenHash
- Hash ID of the screen available to non-logged in user by default
- DefaultUserScreenHash
- Hash ID of the screen available to logged in user by default
- GoogleAnalyticsAccount
- If specified, Google Analytics code will be loaded with this account ID used
- HeaderModulesOrder
- Denotes the list of top menu items in the order how they're displayed
- IsDemo
- Enables warnings of demo limitations, used by various modules
- LanguageNames
- Mapping of language names and their local translations
- MultipleFilesUploadLimit
- Defines a limit for number of files uploaded during a single user request
- ShowQuotaBar
- If true, indicator of disk space usage by email or files will be displayed in the interface
- ShowQuotaBarTextAsTooltip
- If true, quota information will only be shown as the tooltip of the indicator; if false, it's shown directly in the interface
- QuotaWarningPerc
- Enables warning if percentage of free disk space for email account is less than this value
- SyncIosAfterLogin
- Theme
- Theme used by default
- ThemeList
- List of themes available
- HideLogout
- If true, Logout link will be hidden
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- CpanelHost
- Hostname of cPanel server the integration is configured for
- CpanelPort
- Port number used to connect to cPanel server
- CpanelUser
- User account used for integration with cPanel server
- CpanelPassword
- Password of the account used for integration with cPanel server
- UserDefaultQuotaMB
- Default quota of new email accounts created on cPanel
- SupportedServers
- List of mail servers the integration applies to, * for all the mail servers
- AllowCreateDeleteAccountOnCpanel
- Enables managing email accounts from within adminpanel interface of our product
- AllowAliases
- Enables creating mail aliases from our adminpanel
- ForwardScriptPath
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- EnableModule
- Setting to true allows for using and configuring the module
- Id
- App ID (App key) obtained from Dropbox app
- Secret
- App secret obtained from Dropbox app
- Disabled
- Scopes
- Disabled
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- EnableModule
- Setting to true allows for using and configuring the module
- Id
- App ID obtained from Facebook Developer console
- Secret
- App Secret obtained from Facebook Developer console
- Disabled
- Scopes
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- EnableModule
- Setting to true allows for using and configuring the module
- Id
- App ID obtained from Google app settings
- Secret
- App secret obtained from Google app settings
- Key
- API key obtained from Google app settings
- Disabled
- Scopes
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- UploadSizeLimitMb
- Defines upload file size limit, in Mbytes
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AppName
- AuthMode
- TokenMode
- Url
- ViewLastLogSize
- Defines size of the log file section to view, in bytes
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AllowAddAccounts
- If true, Add New Account button is displayed in Email Accounts area of Settings
- AllowAutosaveInDrafts
- If true, message being composed is periodically saved to Drafts folder
- AllowChangeMailQuotaOnMailServer
- If true, allows setting email account quota in admin area
- AllowDefaultAccountForUser
- If true, a user has a default account and its email adress equals user's PublicId
- AllowIdentities
- Enables using identities on composing mails and managing them in Settings area
- OnlyUserEmailsInIdentities
- If true, email address cannot be changed when adding or editing an identity
- AllowFilters
- Enables Filters tab in account settings
- AllowForward
- Enables Forward tab in account settings
- AllowAutoresponder
- Enables Autoresponder tab in account settings
- EnableAllowBlockLists
- DefaultSpamScore
- ConvertSpamScoreToSpamLevel
- SieveSpamRuleCondition
- AllowInsertImage
- Enables toolbar button for inserting an image when editing message text
- AlwaysShowImagesInMessage
- If true, external images are always displayed when viewing email messages
- AutoSaveIntervalSeconds
- Defines interval for saving messages to Drafts periodically, in seconds
- AllowTemplateFolders
- Allows for setting a folder as template one under Manage Folders screen
- AllowInsertTemplateOnCompose
- If true, a tool for inserting a template is added on message compose screen
- MaxTemplatesCountOnCompose
- A limit of number of email templates available for selecting on message compose screen
- AllowAlwaysRefreshFolders
- DisplayInlineCss
- If true, CSS of a message will be converted to inline one when displaying message
- CleanupOutputBeforeDownload
- IgnoreImapSubscription
- If true, all the email folders can be accessed, regardless of their IMAP subscription status; also, a tool for hiding/showing folder is removed from Manage Folders screen
- ImageUploadSizeLimit
- Sets a limit of image file size for upload, or 0 for unlimited
- SaveRepliesToCurrFolder
- Defines a default behavior for saving replies to the original folder of the message, can be changed in user settings
- SieveGeneralPassword
- Defines ManageSieve access password if it's required by the agent
- SieveFileName
- Defines default filename of Sieve rules file
- SieveFiltersFolderCharset
- Defines charset used in Sieve rules files
- OverriddenSieveHost
- If set, this value will be used as ManageSieve host - by default, IMAP host value is used for this
- SievePort
- Defines port number for accessing ManageSieve agent
- UseBodyStructuresForHasAttachmentsSearch
- If true, attempts to use IMAP bodystructure to perform search for messages that have attachments
- UseDateFromHeaders
- If true, date and time information for displaying a message is obtained from message headers, not from IMAP envelopes
- XMailerValue
- If set, defines a value for X-Mailer header added to messages sent out
- ForwardedFlagName
- Defines a flag used to show message as Forwarded one
- PreferStarttls
- If true, STARTTLS will automatically be used if mail server advertises its support
- ExternalHostNameOfLocalImap
- Default external hostname for IMAP server, used by autodiscover
- ExternalHostNameOfLocalSmtp
- Default external hostname for SMTP server, used by autodiscover
- AutocreateMailAccountOnNewUserFirstLogin
- If true, a new account will be created in the database on first successful login
- SieveUseStarttls
- If true, STARTTLS will automatically be used to communicate to Sieve server
- DisableStarttlsForLocalhost
- If true, STARTTLS will not be used for a local mailserver
- XOriginatingIPHeaderName
- If set, defines a name of header included into outgoing mail, header's value is IP address of the sender
- DoImapLoginOnAccountCreate
- If true, logging onto IMAP will be performed when adding a new account in adminpanel
- MessagesSortBy
- Defines a set of rules for sorting mail
- CreateHtmlLinksFromTextLinksInDOM
- SieveCheckScript
- If set, CHECKSCRIPT will be run prior to applying Sieve file changes
- MessagesInfoChunkSize
- ExpiredLinkLifetimeMinutes
- AllowUnifiedInbox
- Enables Unified Inbox feature
- UseIdentityEmailAsSmtpMailFrom
- If true, email address of the identity will be used in MAIL FROM command to SMTP server, instead of main email address of the account
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- SupportedServers
- Defines a list of servers the password change is enabled for, or * for all the servers
- Host
- Defines hostname used to connect to POPPASSD service
- Port
- Defines port number used to connect to POPPASSD service
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ServerModuleName
- Defines name of the module responsible for login page
- HashModuleName
- Defines hash of the module responsible for login page
- CustomLoginUrl
- DemoLogin
- If set, denotes email address of predefined demo account
- DemoPassword
- If set, denotes password of predefined demo account
- InfoText
- Defines additional text message shown on login page
- BottomInfoHtmlText
- Defines bottom text message shown on login page
- LoginSignMeType
- AllowChangeLanguage
- Enables changing language on login page
- UseDropdownLanguagesView
- If true, language selector is presented as a dropdown menu
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Password
- Hash value of master password supplied in admin interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AvailableFor
- Automatically provide this feature if one of the listed modules is requested by the entry point
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AllowAppRegisterMailto
- Enables setting the product installation as mailto: links handler
- AllowChangeInputDirection
- Enables switching between RTL and LTR input directions
- FoldersExpandedByDefault
- If true, email folders hierarchy is displayed fully expanded by default, collapsed otherwise
- AllowSpamFolder
- Enables the use of Spam folder and moving messages from/to Spam with a button
- AllowAddNewFolderOnMainScreen
- If true, New Folder button is added on mail screen
- ComposeToolbarOrder
- Defines list of controls shown on compose toolbar in their order from left to right
- DefaultFontName
- Font name used by default when composing email message
- DefaultFontSize
- Font size used by default when composing email message
- AlwaysTryUseImageWhilePasting
- If true, complex content like tables will be pasted as image by default
- AllowHorizontalLineButton
- If true, Insert Horizontal Line button is added to compose toolbar
- JoinReplyPrefixes
- If true, multiple prefixes such as Re: or Fwd: will be merged as much as possible when composing a new reply/forward
- MailsPerPage
- Default number of mail messages displayed per page
- MaxMessagesBodiesSizeToPrefetch
- Sets a limit of message bodies to be prefetched, in bytes
- MessageBodyTruncationThreshold
- ShowEmailAsTabName
- If true, email address will be shown instead of Mail screen tab name
- AllowOtherModulesToReplaceTabsbarHeader
- AllowShowMessagesCountInFolderList
- If true, number of messages will be displayed for all folders in the list
- AllowSearchMessagesBySubject
- Enables the feature of searching for text selection in Subject area of preview pane
- PrefixesToRemoveBeforeSearchMessagesBySubject
- AllowHorizontalLayout
- If true, users are able to switch betwee vertical and horizontal layouts of mail screen
- HorizontalLayoutByDefault
- If true, horizontal layout is used on mail screen by default
- DisableRtlRendering
- AllowQuickReply
- If true, a quick reply pane is available under message preview
- AllowQuickSendOnCompose
- Enables Ctrl-Enter shortcut for sending mail out
- AllowUserGroupsInComposeAutocomplete
- If true, user groups become available in address autocompletion when composing a message
- MarkMessageSeenWhenViewing
- If true, message automatically becomes read when viewed by selecting it in message list
- MarkMessageSeenWhenAnswerForward
- If true, message becomes read when forwarded or replied to
- UserLoginPartInAccountDropdown
- UseMeRecipientForMessages
- If true, 'me' will be displayed insted of user's email address in headers section of message preview pane (collapsed view only)
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ExpandZipFilesLimit
- Sets a limit for number of files shown when expanding ZIP archive
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Disabled
- AuthModuleName
- OnlyPasswordForAccountCreate
- AllowNewUsersRegister
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- ExtensionsToView
- Defines a list of file types which can be viewed by external web service
- ViewerUrl
- URL of external web service used for viewing files
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- AvailableFor
- Automatically provide this feature if one of the listed modules is requested by the entry point
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Domains
- Defines a list of domains, with a list of features disabled for each of those domains
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- PublicKey
- Public key obtained at reCAPTCHA website
- PrivateKey
- Private key obtained at reCAPTCHA website
- LimitCount
- Denotes number of unsuccessful login attempts required for CAPTCHA to be displayed, 0 - always displayed
- WhitelistIPs
- List of IP addresses CAPTCHA is never be displayed for
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- IncludeInDesktop
- If true, the module is used in desktop version of the interface
- RequestMethod
- Request method used by API
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- TimeoutMinutes
- Time interval of inactivity the users are logged after
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- TabsOrder
- Defines list of tabs and the order they're displayed in
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ServerModuleName
- Defines name of the module responsible for login page
- HashModuleName
- Defines hash of the module responsible for login page
- CustomLoginUrl
- DemoLogin
- If set, denotes email address of predefined demo account
- DemoPassword
- If set, denotes password of predefined demo account
- InfoText
- Defines additional text message shown on login page
- BottomInfoHtmlText
- Defines bottom text message shown on login page
- LoginSignMeType
- AllowChangeLanguage
- Enables changing language on login page
- UseDropdownLanguagesView
- If true, language selector is presented as a dropdown menu
- AuthTokenCookieExpireTime
- Sets authentication token expiry time, in days
- Disabled
- Setting to true disables the module
- ShowRecommendationToConfigure
- If true, users will get a message suggesting to enable 2FA if it's not enabled in their accounts yet
- AllowSecurityKeys
- Enables support for security keys
- FacetIds
- List of app-key-hashes of mobile apps
- AllowAuthenticatorApp
- Enables use of authenticator app
- ClockTolerance
- Value set to N means that codes starting from N * 30sec ago to N * 30sec from now are accepted
- AllowBackupCodes
- If set to true, and if authenticator app or security key configured, users are able to use backup codes
- AllowUsedDevices
- Enables managing trusted devices
- TrustDevicesForDays
- Allows for expiry of trusted device list entries after certain amount of days
- IncludeInMobile
- If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface
- IncludeInDesktop
- If true, the module is used in desktop version of the interface
- RequireInMobile
- List of other modules required by this module