It's possible to install the latest version of WebMail Lite on ISPmanager control panel, use it to access email accounts and allow users to change passwords of their accounts.
To offer automated installation of WebMail Lite, ISPmanager uses the packages created for Plesk. The official Plesk repository only holds older version 8 of the product. To allow for installing the latest version, add the following line to /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.conf
Once that's done, under "Web-scripts" screen of ISPmanager panel you'll find the latest version of WebMail Lite. We recommend to Allow installing it, and Forbid the outdated version 8.
Users should now be able to install the product under CMS screen of their website manager panel. Note that "Quick Install" option places the product into the root directory of the website, which might lead to data loss, using "Install" option is recommended instead.
During the installation, you'll be asked to create database and its user, and supply admin credential for WebMail Lite installation:

The product is fully operational after the installation. It has local mailserver already added, so users should be able to access their accounts right away.
Allow users to change account passwords
APS packages originally created for Plesk include password change module - however, ISPmanager works differently when it comes to changing passwords, so the module included by default wouldn't work. We have created password change module for ISPmanager, you'll need to download it and unpack under modules/MailChangePasswordIspmanagerPlugin
directory, then press "Update configuration" button in "Database Settings" screen of adminpanel.
Edit the configuration files under data/settings/modules
directory and set "Disabled" values there as follows:
- true
- false
- false
In MailChangePasswordIspmanagerPlugin.config.json
file you'll need to specify ISPmanager URL and its administrator credentials.
Please note that this password change module should also work for previous 8 of WebMail Lite.