MailSuite Pro documentation

Advanced configuration

Admin interface of MailSuite Pro allows for setting primary configuration options. Advanced configuration is done via editing configuration files. Due to modular structure of the product, settings are stored in main configuration file data/settings/config.json and in configuration file of each specific module, data/settings/modules/MODULENAME.config.json file.

The list below holds the global settings of MailSuite Pro while module-specific configuration options can be found at: Modules settings reference

Parameter Type Example Description
SiteName string AfterLogic In previous versions, title shown in browser's header. Superseded by setting in Core.config.json
LicenseKey string License key is supplied here
AdminLogin string superadmin Administrative login
AdminPassword string Administrative password (empty by default)
AdminLanguage string English Admin interface language
DBType spec MySQL Database engine used. Currently, only MySQL is supported
DBPrefix string au_ Prefix used for database tables' names
DBHost string Denotes hostname or socket path used for connecting to SQL database
DBName string The name of database in SQL server used by MailSuite Pro
DBLogin string root Login for SQL user
DBPassword string Password to access SQL database
UseSlaveConnection bool false These parameters refer to separate read/write access to the database. When UseSlaveConnection is enabled, the first set of credentials will be used to write to the database while Slave credentials - to read from it
DBSlaveHost string
DBSlaveName string
DBSlaveLogin string root
DBSlavePassword string
DBUseExplain bool false Use EXPLAIN in SQL queries
DBUseExplainExtended bool false Use Extended EXPLAIN
DBLogQueryParams bool false If enabled, parameters values will be recorded in the logs
DBDebugBacktraceLimit bool false this parameter can be used to limit the number of stack frames returned
EnableLogging bool false Activates debug logging
EnableEventLogging bool false Activates user activity logging
LoggingLevel spec Full For debug logs, verbosity level can be set to Full, Warning or Error
LogFileName string log-{Y-m-d}.txt Denotes log filename pattern
LogCustomFullPath string Allows for overriding log files location
LogPostView string Determines whether to log full POST data or just key names
EnableMultiChannel bool false This setting and next two are reserved for Aurora Corporate
EnableMultiTenant bool false
TenantGlobalCapa string
AllowThumbnail bool true If disabled, image thumbnails will not be generated
ThumbnailMaxFileSizeMb int 5 Denotes a max filesize of images thumbnails are generated for
AppCookiePath string / Allows for overriding path parameter for cookies
CacheCtrl bool true Enable caching temporary files
CacheLangs bool true Enable caching language files
CacheTemplates bool true Enable caching templates
DisplayServerErrorInformation bool true If enabled, error messages will include texts returned from the server
RedirectToHttps bool false If enabled, users will automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS
SocketConnectTimeoutSeconds int 20 Socket connection timeout limit (in seconds)
SocketGetTimeoutSeconds int 20 Socket stream access timeout (in seconds)
SocketVerifySsl bool false Enables SSL certificate checks
UseAppMinJs bool true Enables loading minified JS files (default behavior)
XFrameOptions string If set to SAMEORIGIN, disallows embedding product interface into IFrame, see Preventing clickjacking attacks with X-Frame-Options header documentation page for details.
RemoveOldLogs bool true If enabled, logs older than 1 day are automatically removed
LogStackTrace bool false If enabled, logs will contain full stack trace of exceptions
Disabled by default to prevent logs from containing sensitive data
PasswordMinLength int 0 Used by password change modules, if set to non-zero, denotes minimal length of new password
PasswordMustBeComplex bool false Used by password change modules, if set to true, new password has to include at least one digit and at least one non-alphanumeric character
StoreAuthTokenInDB bool false If enabled, authentication tokens will be stored in the database and can be revoked
AuthTokenExpirationLifetimeDays bool 0 If set to non-zero value, means auth tokens will expire after this number of days. 0 means the feature is disabled.