Mobile version
In addition to standard desktop interface, MailSuite Pro also offers mobile version, adjusted for smartphone screens, and with the most frequently-used features available there:

If you navigate to MailSuite Pro installation using web browser on your iOS or Android smartphone, this version will be enabled automatically.
Using top-left menu button, you can switch between your accounts and folders within the account currently selected. Menu button in top-right corner allows you to switch between Mail and Contacts screens, and you can also force the default version of webmail interface by selecting Full Version menu option.
If you have desktop version currently open, you can switch back to mobile version by appending ?mobile parameter to the installation URL. That way, you can activate mobile version on desktop PC or iPad.
Internally, switching to mobile version sets aurora-mobile
cookie to 1, and you can manipulate that cookie value to switch between desktop and mobile version.
Additionally to mobile version, we offer Aurora Mail mobile app (iOS version / Android version). There's also Aurora Files app (iOS version / Android version) that lets you access file storage of MailSuite Pro installation.