In version 9 of MailSuite Pro, it's possible to configure the product so users can create email accounts for themselves.
Please keep in mind that your license needs to allow for suffient number of user accounts. During an active maintenance contract, we provide license upgrade for the price difference, please contact us for more info.
You can enable user signup by editing data/settings/modules/MailSignup.config.json
configuration file (note that web directory is found under /opt/afterlogic/html/
). Default content of the file is as follows:
"Disabled": [
"Setting to true disables the module"
"ServerModuleName": [
"Defines name of the module responsible for signup"
"HashModuleName": [
"Defines hash of the module responsible for signup"
"CustomLogoUrl": [
"Defines URL of logo image used on signup page"
"InfoText": [
"Defines additional text message shown on signup page"
"BottomInfoHtmlText": [
"Defines bottom text message shown on signup page"
"DomainList": [
"Defines list of domains signup feature is available for"
Normally, you'll only need to set Disabled to false there, and supply a list of domains (all of them need to be hosted by this MailSuite Pro installation), e.g.:
"DomainList": [
["", "", ""],
"Defines list of domains signup feature is available for"
URL for signup page is obtained by appending #signup to the installation URL. For example, if you have MailSuite Pro available at
the signup page would be
and the interface would look like this:

To complete the registration, user needs to supply display name, login and password. If DomainList has more than one entry, user can select one of those domains from the dropdown list. Upon successful signup, user will be redirected into their account in MailSuite Pro interface.
NB: It is strongly recommended to enable reCAPTCHA module to prevent from automated signups.
While by default there's no link for signup page anywhere in MailSuite Pro interface, you can add it to the bottom of login page. That's achieved by editing HTML text in BottomInfoHtmlText setting in data/settings/modules/StandardLoginFormWebclient.config
configuration file.