Uploading the application

Unzip and upload the contents of web folder (the scripts, folders and other files of the application) from the installation package onto your web server. Let's assume you created a folder webmail in the root of your web space (web root) and placed the contents of the web folder there. This way, you'll be able to access the application through the web at the http://your_domain/webmail URL.

Examples (assuming you want to use webmail name for the target folder):

  • in case of SSH access to a dedicated server, the web root usually looks like /var/www/html. Thus, you should create /var/www/html/webmail folder and place the application files/folders there.
  • in case of uploading via FTP on a shared hosting, the web root is usually something like /public_html and you should create and upload into /public_html/webmail folder.

Assigning owners/permissions on the filesystem

Skip "Assigning owners/permissions" step if all of the following is true:

  • you only have FTP access to your server;
  • your FTP server doesn't allow setting permissions;
  • you do not have a web control panel (like cPanel or Plesk) at all or it does not allow setting permissions;
  • you have no other options to set permissions.

In all of the above is true (usually, shared hosting with preconfigured permissions), the permissions should be OK but if they are not and the hosting provider does not allow you to set them, you will need to contact their support to do this for you.

Assigning permissions through SSH or direct access to the server

Change the current working directory to the folder with WebMail Pro scripts:

cd /var/www/html/webmail/

Then, assign rights to folders and files in the WebMail Pro scripts folder.

Assign rights to folders:

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

and to files:

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Now assign owner to folders and files in the WebMail Pro scripts folder. You should assign the same owner other folders/files in /var/www/html/ have (assuming they have the correct owner set).

Assign owner to folders:

find . -type d -exec chown root.root {} \;

and to files:

find . -type f -exec chown root.root {} \;

Then, change the current directory to the WebMail Pro data folder (by default, it's a sub-folder of the folder which contains WebMail Pro scripts):

cd /var/www/html/webmail/data

Now assign rights to folders and files in data folder.

Assign rights to folders:

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

and to files:

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Then, assign owner (usually, apache.apache) to folders and files in the WebMail Pro data folder. Please note, Apache may be sometimes started under another user account (for example, under nobody.nogroup).

Generally speaking, with setting the correct owner on data folder you will make sure Apache process (httpd) has read/write permissions to that folder. Thus, you should set the user account running Apache as the owner of data folder contents.

Assign owner to folders:

find . -type d -exec chown apache.apache {} \;

and to files:

find . -type f -exec chown apache.apache {} \;

If the permission settings described above don't work for you, you may try to repeat "Assigning owners/permissions" step, but use 777 instead of 755 and 666 instead of 644 (although this is less secure).

Assigning permissions through cPanel/Plesk or other hosting control panel

If your hosting control panel provides some kind of a file manager, i.e. a tool which shows you all files and folders and allows you to set set permissions for files and folders, you should set the following permissions:

Object Numeric Flagged User-friendly
data folder and all its subfolders 755 -rwxr--r-- owner: read, write, navigate
group: read
others: read
all files in the data folder and all its subfolders 644 -rw-r--r-- owner: read, write
group: read
others: read

The table demonstrates the same permissions in three different notations. These are the same permissions, you should choose the notation most convenient and clear to you.

If the above permissions don't work for you, please try the following ones:

Object Numeric Flagged User-friendly
data folder and all its subfolders 777 -rwxrwxrwx owner: read, write, navigate
group: read, write, navigate
others: read, write, navigate
all files in the data folder and all its subfolders 666 -rw-rw-rw- owner: read, write
group: read, write
others: read, write

Assigning permissions through FTP

Sometimes it's possible to assign necessary permissions through FTP after uploading files. This works if all of the below is true:

  • your FTP server allows clients to change permissions. Most Linux FTP servers allow this by default, but the system administrator of the server can disable this.
  • your FTP client application allows you to assign permissions. Please refer to your FTP client documentation to learn if it's possible and how to do this.

You should assign the same permissions as in case of control panel.

Protecting data directory

All configuration files of the application are stored in data directory which shouldn't be accessible over the web, so it's important to protect data directory. The recommended approach is to move it outside of web directory, or at least rename it so the name can't be easily guessed.

To let WebMail know the new name and location of the data directory, create inc_settings_path.php file in root WebMail dir, or modify it if it's already there. It should have the following content:

$dataPath = '/new/location/of/data';

where $dataPath value contains filesystem path of data directory location, it can be either absolute or relative path.

Running web-based installation wizard

Open http://your_server_name/webmail/install/ page in your browser and follow the instructions.

Also, be sure to check DAV server configuration documentation page.

Configuring your installation

After completing the instructions of the installer, you'll be redirected into AdminPanel (http://your_server_name/webmail/adminpanel/). There, you can then customize your login form, create/delete/edit domains and users, or otherwise configure WebMail Pro. Don't forget to delete install directory from the WebMail Pro folder.

If you skipped the installation wizard, you can log into AdminPanel using default credentials mailadm/12345 and configure the product from there.

You can fine-tune your product installation by modifying settings.xml file.

Now the installation is complete, WebMail Pro is ready to use. Start using it at http://your_server_name/webmail/index.php.

Again, make sure you protected data directory so that http://your_server_name/webmail/data/settings/settings.xml (and https) is not accessible. Otherwise, your system is at risk!

Optional features

Setting up filters, autoresponders, forwarding

Downloading all attachments as ZIP archive