WebMail Pro 7 documentation

Sending mail


Sending email message.

Request Item Type Sample value Description
AccountID int 1 ID of the account
Action string "MessageSend"
AuthToken string "89e307c653d701c17d61f2f116dba618” string obtained with SystemLogin. Not needed if client supports cookies.
Attachments object optional; see the detailed information below.
Bcc string "" optional; string with comma-separated BCC addresses
Cc string "" optional; string with comma-separated CC addresses
DraftFolder string "AfterLogicDrafts" FullNameRaw of the folder we save drafts to and removes from when sending.
FullNameRaw - parameter from response to FoldersGetList
DraftUid string "" UID of message if it was open from Drafts or saved during edit
FetcherID int or "" "" optional; identifier of fetcher the message is sent from. If empty, see IdentityID
IdentityID int or "" "" optional; identifier of identity the message is sent from. If empty, default identity is used.
Importance int 3 optional; message importance.
5 - Low, 3 - Normal, 1 - High
InReplyTo string "" optional
IsHtml int 1 0 - plaintext, 1 - HTML
ReadingConfirmation int 0 optional; 1 if read confirmation request header should be added
References string "" optional
Sensitivity int 0 optional; 0 - Nothing, 1 - Confidential, 2 - Private, 3 - Personal
SentFolder string "AfterLogicSent" optional; FullNameRaw of the folder we save sent messages to. If empty, message isn't saved to Sent folder.
FullNameRaw - parameter from response to FoldersGetList
Subject string "test message"
Text string "
test message

/ myname

To string "myemail@afterlogic.com" string with comma-separated recipients list
Token string "169874786e1d429e20fd993800a8c08c"

To, Cc and Bcc parameters can contain comma-separated list of recipients, e.g.:

  • "John Doe <jdoe@domain.com>, \"Bill Smith\" <bill@company.com>, justaddress@example.com”
  • "John Doe <jdoe@domain.com>"
  • "\"Bill Smith\" <bill@comapny.com>"
  • "justaddress@example.com"
  • ""

Attachments contains associative array which looks like this:

{"tempName1": ["fileName1", "cid1", 0, 0, "contentLocation1"],
"tempName2": ["fileName2", "cid2", 0, 0, "contentLocation2"]}

Array key (e.g. "tempName1") stands for temporary filename of the attachment uploaded to server; value is an array of 5 items:

  • filename;
  • content-ID;
  • 1/0 - whether this attachment is inline or not; inline attachment is defined that way in headers;
  • 1/0 - whether this attachment is linked or not; linked attachment is actually present in message body;
  • Content Location

When sending message out, inline and linked parameters usually have the same value.

See Uploading files section regarding how attachments are uploaded on the server.

Sample response:



The request is completely identical to MessageSend, with Action set to "MessageSave".

Sample response:

      "NewFolder":"AfterLogicDrafts",//FullNameRaw of folder message was saved to
      "NewUid":21768// uid of the message which was just saved