Configuring reminders
1. Download the following package and extract it to your server:
2. Locate the exact path to App_Data folder of WebMail.
3. Start scheduling wizard:
- Windows Server 2008: Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler: Create Task
- Windows Server 2003: Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks: Add Scheduled Task
4. Fill Name field (e.g. "WebMailReminder") and select scheduled run of ReminderSender.exe file. We recommend to schedule it for running every 1-5 mins.
5. For the new task created, enter Properties menu and add 2 parameters. The first parameter defines scheduling interval (in seconds), and the 2nd one equals to App_Data path (ref.2).
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WebmailReminder\ReminderSender.exe" 60 "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Webmail-pro\App_Data"
6. Installation completed! Don't forget to check "Allow Reminders" option in AdminPanel. (AdminPanel > WebMail > Calendar Settings > Allow reminders)