Aurora Corporate documentation

Configuring fetchers

Fetchers offer a powerful tool that allows you to retrieve mails from any other external email account via POP3 protocol.

The first thing to do is install a server-side utility mpop which performs the fetching:

sudo apt install mpop 

Enable fetchers in the product configuration by setting "AllowFetchers" to true in /opt/afterlogic/html/data/settings/MtaConnector.config.json file.

Once the feature is enabled, you'll see "add POP3 fetcher" option under Email Accounts settings. In there, you can configure an account to fetch mail from, select an existing folder to store mails to or create a new one. Once the fetcher is added, you can specify SMTP server settings to send mail from that external account, and supply a signature to be used in those mails.

/opt/afterlogic/html/data/settings/MtaConnector.config.json file also holds a number of values which are critical for fetchers functionality, make sure they're set as follows:

"FetchersCronMpopScript": [
    "Defines location of mpop binary"
"FetchersCronMpopDataFolder": [
    "Defines location of mailserver data directory"
"FetchersCronDeliveryScript": [
    "Defines location of local delivery agent"

Fetchers are designed to be run every 20 minutes. To ensure that, add the following cronjob (crontab -e run as superuser):

*/20 * * * * php /opt/afterlogic/html/modules/MtaConnector/FetchersCron.php 

You may notice that, when mails are being fetched, their date and time indicate when they were fetched rather than original date and time. To work around that, you can set "UseDateFromHeaders" to true in data/settings/modules/Mail.config.json file. That will not change the order of mail sorting, but will ensure the original date/time are displayed.